Sunday, January 15, 2017

Digital Blog Post #A

Twenty-first century technologies have been implemented in the schooling system, and continue to be more and more every day. But before we had Twenty-first century technology, technology still influenced teaching in classrooms. Check out the link here: As we revolutionize, the technology in the classrooms change to go along with the changes in our society. Perdue's article demonstrates that.

Digital identities are also a major thing in our society. We have all had the teacher that doesn't know how to make the youtube video full screen. As a teacher, this demonstrates that their digital identity isn't very strong. Building up your digital identity as a teacher is very important, because it affects many things that can limit the classroom's use in technology, especially as technology changes as years go on. Building up a good digital identity affects your students greatly. Teachers who do not have a good digital identity make their students suffer by not utilizing the technology. Teachers who have a good digital identity help their students excel at what they do, because they learn how to improve using the technology in front of them. Technology has changed our world, so having a good digital identity, will help everyone you teach, including yourself.

Here is a video that shows us the newest technology used in education

Social media now plays a big role in our schooling system. Teachers used to be so close minded about it all, but now, I have had teachers that have a facebook page. She had the students like the page, and would post upcoming assignments or homework assignments. She would even give extra credit opportunities by posting a math problem, and the first three students to solve it correctly would get bonus points. Technology, specifically social media, has influenced the classroom so much, especially in the last few years. Teachers need to continue utilizing this technology, and adapting their classrooms around it to make the most for their students.


AJ+ (2015, September 16). 5 technologies that will change classroom education Retrieved from

Purdue. (2015, September 21). The evolution of technology in the classroom. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from